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Twin reels with quick release locks.
Automatic bag length setting from touch screen input.
Auto-stop avoids film breakage & film running out.
Automatic bag length monitoring and adjusting.
Equipped with a photocell made in Germany avoiding film-cutting error.
Fin seal roller with automatic release/close when the machine on/off.
Touch screen for operator interface.
Connected parts with product made by stainless steel.

Pouch Size
HW-264M : L100~320mm x W20~120mm x H5~60mm
Applicable Category
Food Industry.
Medicine Medical Category.
Beauty Care.
Metal Products.
Classes and Families Chemical.
Packaging Product
Suitable for products which are very thin and flat such as mask, patch, or the products want to be packed by four side seal.
Packaging Product Examples

ADDRESS No.537, Fengzhou Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 429, Taiwan
TEL +886-4-2523-5829
FAX +886-4-2527-6923
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